CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Configuration Spaces: Mini courses

In collaboration with INdAM

2 May 2010 - 30 June 2010


Mini Courses

Cohen - Mini course 1 (course: MINICOURSE: Moment-angle complexes, their stable structure and cohomology)

Cohen - Mini course 2 (course: MINICOURSE: Moment-angle complexes, their stable structure and cohomology)

Cohen - Mini course 3 (course: MINICOURSE: Moment-angle complexes, their stable structure and cohomology)

Cohen - Mini course bibliography (course: MINICOURSE: Moment-angle complexes, their stable structure and cohomology)

Procesi-minicourse-lecture1 (course: MINICOURSE: Splines and partition functions)

Suciu_Minicourse_lecture1 (course: MINICOURSE: Cohomology jumping loci and homological finiteness properties [1])

Suciu_Minicourse_lecture2 (course: MINICOURSE: Cohomology jumping loci and homological finiteness properties [2])

Suciu-Minicourse-lecture3 (course: MINICOURSE: Cohomology jumping loci and homological finiteness properties [3])

Vergne_pisa2010boxsplines (course: MINICOURSE: Box splines, and applications to Representation Theory)

Vergne-Pisa lecture 1 (course: MINICOURSE: Box splines, and applications to Representation Theory)

Vergne-Pisa lecture 2 (course: MINICOURSE: Box splines, and applications to Representation Theory)

Vergne-Pisa lecture 3 (course: MINICOURSE: Box splines, and applications to Representation Theory)

Yuzvinsky_Hyperplanes (course: MINICOURSE: A short introduction to arrangements of hyperplanes)

Yuzvinsky_Resonance varieties (course: MINICOURSE: Resonance varieties for arrangements and their relations to combinatorics and algebraic geometry)